
Take our survey


Take our survey

How is the park currently being used?

In this section, we want to understand how you currently use West Hendon Playing Fields. Your feedback will help us understand why you choose to visit or avoid the park, how often you visit, how you get to the park, and how the park currently meets your recreational needs.

We will use your feedback to inform the concept design of the new park, which we will share with you for your feedback in the next round of engagement.


What are your thoughts on the emerging vision and principles?

In this section, we want to understand your thoughts on the emerging vision and principles for the transformation of West Hendon Playing Fields.

We came up with the vision and principles based on Barnet Council's hopes and dreams for West Hendon Playing Fields, past engagement exercises, and what we know about the area.

Your input will help us refine these statements to ensure that they are truly reflective of your priorities and that our proposal meets your needs and desires.

Our Emerging Vision

Our emerging project vision is to breathe new life into the site, turning West Hendon Playing Fields into a thriving destination that puts People, Place, and the Planet at the core of improvement efforts. The park will be inclusive to all ages and abilities, enhance local wildlife and biodiversity, and offer ample opportunities for physical activity and recreation.

The project vision will be the ultimate goal, painting a clear picture of what we aim to achieve with the transformation of the park.

Our Emerging Principles

Healthy people: The park will support the physical and mental wellbeing of all users. This could include providing opportunities for structured sports and fitness activities, as well as informal play and recreation. The park could also offer educational experiences that promote healthy living.

Inclusive place: The park will be a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, regardless of their age, culture, or physical ability. This could include providing accessible pathways and facilities. The park could offer opportunities for people from all walks of life can come together to learn, socialise, and enjoy the natural world.

(Above image is for illustrative purpose only)

Resilient planet: The park will be designed and managed in a way that protects and enhances the natural environment. This could include planting diverse trees and shrubs, creating wildlife habitats, and developing green infrastructure. The park could also be a place where people can learn about the importance of biodiversity and climate change resilience.


What are your aspirations for West Hendon Playing Fields?

In this section, we understand your aspirations for West Hendon Playing Fields. Tell us what kind of environment you want the park provide and the experiences you look forward to having. 

We will use your feedback to ensure that the facilities proposed in the concept design align with your needs. We will share the concept design with you for your feedback in the next round of engagement. 

πŸŽ‰ Thank you for taking the survey πŸŽ‰ 

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